The leadership course was held in Nairobi , Kenya and Moshi, Tanzania during period 29th feb.2016 until 11th March.2016, under supervision and coordinating each of Spate Irrigation Network, MetaMeta Company, World Agroforestry Centre, and (IWMI). The course was funded through IFAD, FBFS, and European Union. The participants represented 10 countries which are: Sudan, Ethiopia, Somaliland, Kenya, Tanzania, and Malawi from Africa, and each of Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Myanmar from Asia, which they are considered as the members of “Africa to Asia and Back Again Project”.
The course included multi activities that showed the Limitations which encounter the spate irrigation schemes in these countries and the opportunities to enhance and increase the productivity for these schemes. At the first week in Kenya, program schedule have contained presentations, discussions, and project plan for each country team, and the second week in Tanzania, have contained many field trips, discussions, interviews with farmers and committees.
It was a good opportunity to make discussions and realizing all barriers in the spate irrigation scheme all over the world.